Tuesday 1 January 2013

My Book World Edition File Copy

If you want to copy or move some files on a Western Digital My Book World edition NAS (network attached storage), then you could copy and paste from your PC, but this takes forever if there is much data since all of the files have to come over the network to the PC and then come back.

However, I've successfully used the "Copy Manager" to do this.  This function is supposed to be used for copying from the NAS to an external USB storage device, but you can get it to copy within the My Book itself.

You access the 'Copy Manager' in a similar way to when you logging into the 'Network Storage Manager'.  I.e. through a web browser pointing to your device.  You might have to put something like into your browser.  You will then get to the login screen which will allow you to select the 'Administrator Name', 'Password', 'Tool' and 'Language'.  Change tool from 'Network Storage Manager' to 'Copy Manager' to get into the tool.

When there:

  1. select the destination address in the source window
  2. do not press 'next' button.  The destination address appears in the box in the bottom.  
  3. Copy the destination by selecting it and ctrl-c ing it (or just remember what it says)
  4. Now select the source address in the source window.
  5. This time press the 'next' button.
  6. The copy manager now prevents you from selecting the NAS for the destination, expecting only a USB destination.
  7. Now paste (or type) the destination address from stage 3 into the box.
  8. Press 'next'
  9. Press 'start'

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